
Collective Wisdom

This week we are going to visit Rochester, NY - A small city on the shores of Lake Ontario with a booming trail scene. (Full disclosure, this is where your author is from). Rochester offers incredible trails with a county park system that years ago invested in open spaces as well as numerous volunteer trail organizations that build, maintain, and advocate for the trails in

With love, I dedicate this column to my grandfather, Joseph Vincent Behe, who would have turned 97 this month. Some time after my paternal grandfather–”Pappap”–passed away in late December of 2020, my dad shared with the rest of the family a press clipping from a local Harrisburg newspaper. Written with the zippy flare and unapologetic corniness of bygone days, the piece features Pappap front and center

Like Beyonce sang, “Who run the world? Girls.”  Women really do run the world - over the last decade more women are the people running across the finish lines than men. According to the NY Times, “in the United States alone, women make up 57 percent of finishers — that's about 10.7 million women racing. Globally, female race participation is up 25 percent, compared to

Often falling in the shadow of that big city in NY, and ignored as an area with trails due to population density, Northern New Jersey has tucked away a number of worthy parks and runnable trails with views and a ruggedness you just would not expect there. Let’s get off the city streets and find out what Northern New Jersey has!  The “You need to run

Listen up, people. I’m sure you’ve noticed the same thing I have; there’s been too much positivity in the news lately. Puppies kissing babies. Babies kissing puppies. Rainbows. Babies and puppies playing together under rainbows. It’s sickening, if I’m being honest. Where’s the realism, the pragmatism? As trail runners, we’re all too familiar with the fact that things can be going just swimmingly until, out

Running, at its foundation, is a minimalist activity. Yet through the choices we make, we are rewriting this narrative. And we are changing the story at the detriment to our environment. At its roots, running is an inexpensive and minimalistic activity.  To run, you need your legs and feet…perhaps a pair of comfortable shoes to protect those feet, and for some of us, a sports bra.  Yet

"Eat right for your type", Naturopathic physician, Peter D’Adamo, published this book in 1996.  The book's details how people can become healthier, increase longevity, and reach their ideal weight by eating according to their blood type ( A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-). Naturopathic medicine emphasizes prevention and the self-healing process through the use of natural therapies. Natural therapies include nutrition, lifestyle counseling, and


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