
June 2022

The long-standing joke for half marathoners and full marathoners is to carb-load the night before with a big plate of pasta. The truth is, much more planning goes into proper pre-race nutrition than just simply overloading the night before.  More importantly, if you planned on doing it all in one meal, you may end up hindering your performance with fatigue, gut issues, and inflammation. For those of

Fayetteville West Virginia has always been known as an outdoorsman paradise. Sitting almost right on top of the New River Gorge, Fayetteville boasts being the closest town to the some of the best whitewater rafting in the United States and has become a destination for rock climbing, fishing, camping, and mountain biking. And since the New River Gorge became the newest National Park in 2020,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feO6keBY5oo This week on Trails Collective Live we've voices in from three of the most classic trail races in the Northeast if not nation. We'll connect with Grayce Langheine and Sam Kirk on their days at Laurel Highlands, Michelle Merlis and Jay Whitbourne on the Great Adirondack Trail Run, and go a bit long with Dick Vincent on trail roots and Escarpment. Join us!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MgonYUHV-Y We're back with a round of TC Live this Thursday, June 9. In the rotation we'll connect with James Weaver on a great run and parallel with life at a regional classic, the Old Dominion 100. Damian Monteiro and family on Cayuga Trails and Lucifer's Crossing. And, we'll go a bit longer with Scott Snell and Jennifer Russo, winner and first assist on last week's

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnfaPeEg62U Another full plate for the Trails Collective Live slated for May 25, 2022. We'll talk a new mark set on one of the most #BeastCoast routes on the books, the Devil's Path with (hopefully) Steven Lange. Ireland's Seven Sisters with Katie O'Regan. Quest for the Crest with Jana Fridrichova, Marek Simco, and (hopefully) David Hedges. The Highlands Trail Fest with Justin Kousky, Clare Green, Marek

On Sunday, May 29th at 3:00AM I started at Fontana Dam and made my way north to Davenport Gap. This was my first speed record attempt and my second longest run ever (miles and time), but the most elevation gain I have done at time. Helping me all day long was my husband Logan Lemcke. Logan began crewing for me in 2020 when I started


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