
Trails Collective

Trails Collective Weekly Rundown | June 18, 2021

Weekly Rundown

June 18th, 2021

Trails Collective Weekly Rundown | June 18, 2021

In the Media

Ridge RUNers Live #56 | Rachel Spaulding - Old Dominion 100

UltraSignup Hot-List

  • Cacapon 12 Hour Challenge, slated for July 17th in Berkeley Springs, WV is 97% full.
  • The Runamuck 50k in Brownsville, VT, set for October 17th is up 6 points to being 98% full for the Sunday race and will cap by this weekend.
  • The Fat Sass Switchback Challenge 6 Hr running in Millburn, NJ on July 10th is on the warning track at 92% full.
  • Taskinas Creek Marathon, slated for June 27th in Williamsburg, VA has also just hit the warning track at 90% full. A nice mix of terrain and appears an inaugural running.

Registrations Opening This Week

  • North Ridge Nightmare 6.66 miler running October 16th in McCandless PA opens June 18th.
  • TPK Bad Decisions 30 Hr in Andover on June 10, 2022 opens June 20th.
  • Sterling Forest Half in Tuxedo, NY, slated for September 18th goes live on June 18th.

FKT’s of the Week


Wouter Hoogkamer, 7h 28m for the 55 mile Circum Quabbin. This lowers the prior supported male mark by nearly 90 minutes. The prior mark was set by Wouter and Dan Grip. Clearly Wouter untethered himself from his wingman Dan who was no doubt dragging him down.


Brendan Gilpatrick, 4h 2m for the 16 mile and no doubt beautiful Acadia Traverse. With 6,350’ of gain, no doubt a solid effort out there. This lowers Timothy Lock’s prior mark by 24 minutes, one of the biggest pickups on this route since its set in 2017.


Wah Kai Ngai, 5h 14m for the Three Big Peaks in Hudson Highlands. This route somewhat follows our inaugural Breakneck Point Marathon route, leaving out the Fishkill Ridge add-on. With 6,100’ of gain and technical stretches and pitches, it’s burly, but, also beautiful. This is an first mark for the route.

Results & Voices

The Great Adirondack Trail Run

Put on by the Mountaineer in Keene Valley, NY, the heart of the Adirondacks, the GATR is an event used to benefit the Ausable River Association. With a 3.5mile traverse over Baxter Mountain, as well as a burley 11.5 jaunt over the backside of Hopkins Mountain, it’s a classic ADK event. It’s also one that draws some wonderful and incredibly fit individuals. In the mix a friend with a pretty deep connection to and experience in the Adirondacks, Jay Whitbourne will cue us into the weekend. And, two others, quite possibly the fittest, cutest, and kind to boot, couple on the face of the planet, Lindsay Webster and Ryan Atkins. Results here.

Laurel Highlands

One of the oldest trail events in our region, and possibly second oldest continuously running event in the country, went down with new direction by Red Point Productions at the helm this year. Video clips from Ashley Gresock, Aaron Watkins, and completing the double of the full plate on Saturday, and 50k pickup on Sunday, John Zavatchan.

First State Trail Run

The inaugural First State Trail Race ran in Wilmington, DE, using a nicely rolling blend of single and doubletrack with a bit of gravel road in the mix. Of three distances, Ben Rodkey was top overall 10k finisher out of a field of 77. In the 25k 105 finished with Stephen Tucker taking the overall win. And, of 78 50k finishers Stefano Ruzza took the win by a scant 90 seconds over Nicholas Wirz. For the women, Emily Plamer for top spot. Checking in to take us through the inaugural event is finisher Kiran Koons. Results here.

MCW King / Queen of the Hill 3H/6H

The MCW K/Q OTH ran using a 5k loop in Pompton Plains, NJ. The event ran in support of MissionCleanWater whose mission it is to bring clean water to underserved communities. In the 3 Hour Marcin Kulakowski took the win with 15.5 miles run, and in the Six Hour, Jake Bond with 27.9. Results here.

666 Trail Race

The 666 Trail Race at 400 minutes in length in Exeter, RI. Not often I catch word of Rhode Island trail events, let alone get to see clips of nice rolling singletrack for the events. The 666 races uses a 6.66 mile nice loop with some rolling and technical terrain. Entrants are given 400 minutes (6.66 hours) to complete as many loops as they can. Of 20 finishers, Ben Quatromoni, who I’ve announced a bit over this past year for FKT’s, took the overall win with 46.6 miles covered. I was able to check in with Ben who’s here to cue us into the inaugural 666 Trail Race. Results here.

Brant Hill Challenge

The Brant Hill Challenge 1h / 3H through down for its second running in Elmira, NY. The event is put on by Rebellion Running and is used to benefit the SOAR youth running program. The SOAR program is solid, a good supportive and connected crew and who have supported a number of kids over the years, some of them pretty wicked fast. The course consists of a one mile loop course with 300’ per loop, it’s a pretty fair circuit. Of 20 3HR finishers, Kent McConnell accrued the most mileage with 15 miles. For the 1 Hour, there was a solid crew of 7 kids, ages 8 – 11. Results are here.

Windsor Castle 10 Hour

The Windsor Castle 10H ran over a 2.9 mile loop in Smithfield, VA. They had a solid turnout for an inaugural timed event. Of the field of 165, Steve Speirs took the overall win with 67.6 miles covered. For the women Amber Kuszak with 55.9 covered. Results are here.

Nipmuck South Trail Race

The Nipmuck South Trail Race 14.5 Miler ran in Mansfield, CT. Of 113 finishers Jon-Paul Mandelburg took the win in 1:45 with Rachael Whitbeck for the women in 1:59. Results are here.

The Weekend Ahead

  • Trail Method’s Many on the Genny in Letchworth State Park, NY.
  • The Eastern Divide 50k in Pembroke, VA
  • Ghost Town Trail Challenge 12k / 25k / 50k in Blairsville, PA
  • Lost Turkey Trail Races ½, 50k, and 50 Miler in Blue Knob, PA
  • Sproul 10k and Little Loggers Trail Fest in North Bend, PA
  • Mason – Dixon Longest Day Challenge in PA
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