
Trails Collective

Trails Collective Interview Series: Lindsey Weaver and the C&O Canal FKT!

Trails Collective Interview Series: Lindsey Weaver and the C&O Canal FKT!

Lindsey Weaver finished the 189-mile C&O Canal Towpath run from Cumberland, Md. to Washington, D.C. in 53 hours, a new female FKT. A week before, she ran a 50 mile virtual run. She has completed 5 ultras in 2020 alone. A librarian, Weaver began running only 5 years ago but already has 34 ultra finishes to her name. What’s next for her? What inspires her to keep going? Drop your questions down below or ask during the show!

Lindsey on Instagram

Lindsey on UltraSignUp

Ellie on Instagram

Ellie on UltraSignUp

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