
Trails Collective

TC Interviews: Kate Mingle

TC Interviews: Kate Mingle

Kate Mingle just took second in the gnarly Catstail Marathon a few weeks ago after an up and down 2019 and then pandemic ridden 2020. Speaking of the pandemic, Kate is an engineer working towards the COVID VACCINE! That’s right, not only is she crushing miles and mountains, she’s on the ground working to fight this virus the smart way…

…with SCIENCE. 

She went to undergrad at Clarkson University studying chemical engineering and then did her PhD at South Carolina. She’s from Maine but currently resides in Boston. She wanted to make a difference, and oh boy she had no idea that 2020 would provide the way.

In this episode Kate explains how to develop a vaccine and what she’s working on. She and Ellie talk about injuries and the cycle that keeps runners out for months…and coming back to appreciate the joys of running. Kate has podiumed in every race she’s entered since she began ultrarunning in 2017…except one, that elusive JFK 50. 

Kate is coached by Sarah Keyes and explains what her training looks like now and whether she prefers fast courses or mountains. Ellie and Kate discuss mastering the 50k distance and what that means…or if it’s possible. 

This episode will give you hope. Kate is hopeful and very optimistic about life getting back to normal. You will be able to hug your friends at the finish line! (though let’s hope that communal bowl of M&Ms never returns).

Connect with Kate!

Instagram: @kate_mingle


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