
Trails Collective

TC Interviews: Debbie Livingston

TC Interviews: Debbie Livingston

Debbie Livingston has been running ultras for over 20 years. Her first 50 miler was the Vermont 50 in 1999, where she met her future husband after exchanging email addresses at the finish. 

Livingston was 4th, in her first 50 mile race. Oh, and Nikki Kimball won that race, also her first 50. Over 124 races later, Livingston is still at it now participating in the Connecticut FKT 600 Mile Challenge.

After her initial success at ultras, there were a lot fewer races to choose from, so she made the move to head out west more often. Having that knowledge, she believes our east coast trails are just much harder. She fell in love with the gnarly trails and beauty at her home in the east, and quickly made a name for herself at the nation’s toughest trails.

Debbie went to college studying physical fitness and playing soccer. She drove into trails after college and 25 years later, her passion remains strong. Debbie race directs, coaches older athletes and youth cross country, teaches yoga and has a certification in culinary arts. She is a natural leader and her communication style empowers her to relate to the various types of students she instructs. For her, coaching and running isn’t just about running, it’s also teaching life lessons. 

Doing hard work. Being uncomfortable. Believing in yourself.

In this episode, Debbie shares tales from the trail before the ultrarunning boom. She shares coaching secrets and how she got into teaching yoga. She talks about her plant based diet and why it was important to her to learn to nourish her body for performance and health.

Debbie is a wealth of knowledge and a prime example of longevity in ultra running.

Connect with Debbie here:


IG: @trailrunningmom


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