
Trails Collective

TC Interviews: Katie Ghidiu

TC Interviews: Katie Ghidiu

Katie Ghidiu won the last race from the “before” times. Before a pandemic ended running and life as we know it. Before masks were cool and 6 feet of distance meant losing a race by less than a second.S he won the Last Runner Standing put on be TrailsRoc in early March…and went out with a bang finishing with a 7:00 mile after hours on a snow-packed trail.

Katie was a recruited walk-on for Notre Dame, meaning she was on the bubble of getting into the school and onto the team. She ran with a local runner some may know, Molly Huddle. She ran at nationals and went to regionals for the steeplechase. Her mile PR is a smoking fast 4:54.

In this episode, Katie walks us through the college running experience. She really enjoyed having friends and being part of a team. Her coach helped foster a healthy team environment providing a good example and encouraging good role models. She does say she felt burned out most of college and maybe overtrained for her level. The Notre Dame women really liked to hammer and no one pulled them back. 

After college, Katie took a bit of time off competition and ran occasionally for a number of years. She always knew she’d be back and in 2012 she trained for and ran the Wineglass marathon in 2:58. A few more years of inconsistency followed until friends convinced her to sign up for the first running of Twisted Branch. She got third that year, in 14:40.

Katie is a librarian and in this episode she and Ellie geek out on books, their favorite authors and more. They talk Twisted Branch from a racers perspective. Katie gives the inside details on a team with Molly Huddle and what training with her was like. Finally, they discuss running and working in a pandemic. Katie was scheduled to run GDR and the Wineglass marathon but will not be competing in those, rescheduled, virtual or not.

Check Katie out here:


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