
Trails Collective

TC Interviews: Scott Magee

TC Interviews: Scott Magee

Scott Magee cancelled the biggest family reunion on the east coast. The call to drop Twisted Branch 100k nearly broke him who was ready to hold the 6th running of the event. He wonders if he could have been more creative. Could they have made the race happen?

Possibly, but it wouldn’t have been Twisted Branch. Once you run the event, you’ll understand. It’s the volunteers, the environment, the community, the course that makes this 100k special. Changing anything would undermine the spirit of the foundations of the race.

Scott the runner is someone who loves a good trail race. He has run Muddy Sneaker 10 times, that often being his only race of the year. It was his first race and he showed up in swimming trunks. Needless to say, the gear has changed but the race lives on for him. Muddy Sneaker actually runs through a section of the Twisted Branch course, which sparked Scotts interest and love for the trails in Naples, NY.

In this episode, Scott explains how he mapped out the TB100K course and how long it took. He did the race by himself the first two years, forgetting a headlamp the first year. He was motivated by the incredible views but also the responsibility to improve the trail. He speaks to the beauty of being able to hike and just keep going. Making the race happen was a combination of navigation and building trail from washed out wilderness. 

Thankfully the race is very well marked, and headlamps are encouraged. 

The first year, Scott felt TB was a failure. Two runners were lost and he didn’t know what to do. He took off down the trail to look for the runners, only he knew where those runners were. Luckily, they were found but Scott still felt like the event went terribly.

The next morning, Scott woke up to all runners thanking him for the best race they’d ever run. Four other people approached him to join the race directing team. He was completely baffled, but newly inspired to make the next year a success.

Well Scott, we’re glad you did! 

Preferring long adventures outside to races, that will never keep him away from Muddy Sneaker and he also talks about running the Georgia Death Race and his experiences with the RD who must not be named. 

Scott enjoys spending time outdoors, camping and hiking with his family. 

Reach him, and sign up for Twisted at http://www.twistedbranchtrail.com/

Instagram: @sctamagee

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