
Trails Collective

TC Interviews: Jeff Adams

TC Interviews: Jeff Adams

Jeff Adams just ran 175 miles in the second edition of the Quarantine Backyard Ultra beginning on Saturday July 11th and tapping out on Monday, July 13th. He is no stranger to going the distance, and loves running for long periods of time.

This past September, Jeff set the FKT on the Long Path in Upstate NY passing through the Catskills and the infamous Manitou’s Revenge, a race he’s done multiple times. In this episode, Ellie and Jeff talk about coming to running later in life, trading speed for miles and the inner drive to push when no one else is watching. Jeff runs A LOT, so DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Instagram: @jeffrunslong

UltraSignUp: https://ultrasignup.com/m_results_participant.aspx?fname=Jeffrey&lname=Adams

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