
Trails Collective

TC Interviews: Elisabeth Faughnan

TC Interviews: Elisabeth Faughnan

Elisabeth Faughnan has got MAJOR TRAIL STOKE and it SHOWS!

Coming to the trails just two years ago, she has found her stride and happy place. Elisabeth recently completed her first 50 mile on the Cayuga Trails course, so no easy trail or road ultra for her! This race meant so much to Elisabeth, and we get into it deep during this episode.

We talk about moving from roads to trails, training and running happy and her tough year slog of running and how she got out of it. We go through the entire 50 mile race, how she fueled, her support and why she just loves the CT 50 mile race.

Elisabeth is a force to be reckoned with and has a bright future here on the Beast Coast.

UltraSignUp: https://ultrasignup.com/results_parti…

Instagram: Elisabeth.Faughnan

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