
Trails Collective

Lori Mitchener

TC Interview Series: Lori Mitchener

This video is about Lori Mitchener, a speedster and ultrarunner in Massachusetts. Lori jumped onto the radar a few weeks ago running in full costume in her town to cheer up her neighbors. Quickly she established that she was no hobby-jogger. Lori has taken several outright wins at the Pine Creek Challenge 100M and Hamsterwheel 6H event. She has won multiple hundreds including the Keys 100 and the Daytona 100 in her quest to Badwater 135 this summer. Whether that happens or not, Lori continues to put in solid mileage and smile while she does it.

Lori’s Ultrasignup: https://ultrasignup.com/m_results_par…
The Keys 100: https://www.keys100.com/
The Daytona 100: https://www.daytona100ultra.com/
Badwater 135: https://www.badwater.com/event/badwat…

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