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On Sunday, May 29th at 3:00AM I started at Fontana Dam and made my way north to Davenport Gap. This was my first speed record attempt and my second longest run ever (miles and time), but the most elevation gain I have done at time. Helping me all day long was my husband Logan Lemcke. Logan began crewing for me in 2020 when I started

April was a great month for me (some might say it was because it started with my birthday, but I digress).I've found I have a great selection of climbs on single track, jeep roads, and pavement right out my front door.  The Darlington Trail, the Appalachian Trail, a mountain bike single track system, and several extended gravel and paved roads are all accessible from the front

Laying out the "toughest" trail races in the Northeast isn't intended to be a testosterone fest of who's tougher. In my experience, a mile race on the track, while flat and shorter in duration, is more painful than any ultra or mountain course I've run. I've drifted towards "tougher" races because they often entail mountainous and technical terrain which has fed my spirit, taken me

Although the Speedgoat's motto may be "100 miles is not that far", for nearly everyone else, it really is. Nearly all will experience significant mileage in the pain cave. Moments of doubt and darkness. Mental refrains where you question not just whether you're physically capable of going on (you're pretty certain you're not), but emotional anguish. When the glitz has faded, when you question what


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