
Homemade Nutrition?

Trails Collective Forums Healthy Eating Homemade Nutrition?

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  • #27197

    Years ago we brought the Skratch Labs cookbook into the shop…and our house. Some solid homemade endurance nutrition ideas.

    What’s your go-to or suggested concoction for endurance nutrition if making it on your own?

    Sayard Tanis

    Some of my friends and athletes use the book Feed Zone Portables for recipes of on-the-go real food snacks/fuel for long runs and races. They have had a lot of success switching to these recipes instead of using processed snacks or gels for fueling. There are also gluten-free and vegetarian recipes in the book, which fits their health and lifestyle needs. The recipes are pretty quick to prepare and don’t require an extensive number of ingredients. Now some of them also make spin off recipes from what they learned in the book about getting energy from real food.


    Maybe we should put together a trail weekend for next year where creating endurance concoctions at home is a core piece of the weekend. In the interim…get those friends on here Sayard and have them share some of those recipes.

    Eric kosek

    Date balls!

    Christopher Lopez

    I tried to make tarahumara ‘pinole’ once (back when I used to wear huaraches…LOL). I had pretty good success, but now I’m a Spring Energy addict!

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