
Trails Collective

Trails Collective Weekly Rundown | September 17, 2021

Weekly Rundown

September 17, 2021

Trails Collective Weekly Rundown | September 17, 2021

UltraSignUp Hot-List


Midstate Massive Ultra’s 100 Miler is 94% Full with 8 spots remaining. A sweet New England course with mild elevation gain, slated for October 9th. https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=81098


Patapsco Valley 50k, slated for Octobe 30th outside of Baltimore has only 17 slots remaining and will cap out. It’s a nice mild and flowy course. Get on it now: https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=83885


Stone Cat 50k, running November 6th in Ipswich, MA is only 73% full with 75 slots remaining, but, I’m giving you the early heads-up as I think that should be a historical classic which will cap out.


Results & Voices

Tunxis Trail UltraMarathon 30K, 60K in Burlington, CT

RD Jamie McCusker is here to weigh in on the course, entities putting it on, and how the races shook out including a course record on the day.

In the 60k, Devin Pray was the only finisher, hopefully leaning in across the line for the win in 9:21. More of the action was in the 30k with Juan Chacon running the second fastest time in event history in 3:00, with Brittany Telke nailing a new course record in 3:29. Laura Becker was close on her heels for second in 3:35, also under the prior course record.


Macedonia Trail Race 12K, 25K, 50K in Kent, CT

In the 50k, Terence Li for the win in 6:44 with top female spot going to Teal Reeves in 7:46. The 25k saw a new course record set by Ian Connell of Guildford in 2:22:23, shaving a scant 4 seconds off the prior mark. Eesh. For the women Chrystal Thibedau for the win in 3:32. And in the 12k, Dominic Gillen and Sherri Odell on top for the wins.

Clip in from Kelly Wei providing the race recap for Steep Endurance


Notchview Ultra 12, 24, 48H in Windsor, MA

Notchview, running since 2015, is a timed event making use of a beautiful 1.9 loop with proceeds in part going to animal shelters. This year’s race saw wins going to Jessie Makela with 129 miles for the 48, a new overall course record, besting Bill Odendahl’s 2019 mark by 6 miles, Benjamin Simanski with 108 and Mae Polson with 100.7, both for the 24 wins and new course records, and Durgesh Mankekar in 77.7 and Emily Kisicki with 59 miles in the 12 Hour. Emily’s mark, of technically 58.9, also establishes a new course record.


Wicked Tough Ten 10k and Megunticook 50 50k in Camden, ME

The 50k saw 69 finishers with Kyle Krueger and Carrie McCusker earning the overall wins in 5:30 and 6:56 respectively. In the Wicked Tough Ten, of 39 finishers, Chad Hanscom and Laurel Gaudet earned the wins in 1:04 and 1:10 respectively. Here to provide a bit of the backstory on these beautiful events, adding a bit of color, Megunticook 50k veteran and co-promoter, Trail Runners of Midcoast Maine founder Emily McDevitt.



Trail Monster’s Bradbury Bruiser 12 Miler in Pownal, ME. Profiled by R Ian and the crew as a “crazy twisting, turning 12 mile loop of single-track trails filled with rocks, roots, bumps and hills”. Solid turnout with 134 finishers, with Jacob Brady for the overall win in 1:24, and Brigid Smith-Franey for the women in 1:36.

Virgil Crest Ultras in Virgil, NY

Clips from Andrew Simpson, James Lampman, Ellie Pell, Danielle Snyder, Jim Blandford, Chris Cowden, and Riley Brady


Shawangunk Ridge Trail Run Half, 30M, 70M in Rosendale, NY

The SRT is an absolutely beautiful and rugged event. It’s unique in that it adds no supplemental markers on top of what’s already in place for the SRT, and is self-supported. To dig us further into what SRT is all abou, RD Ken Posner.

A new pair of course records were set for the 70 mile. Russ Dresher of Berlin, MA in 16:22, and for the women, Katlin Rhodes in 19:12. For the 30 miler Ian Shultis in 4:33 with Kate Mingle also setting a new women’s record in 6:03. And in the Half, Phil Shea and Vanessa Shea, siblings maybe? Took home the men’s and women’s wins respectively.

We’re also luck to have a clip in from Katlin Rhodes. Kati is pretty incredible, a NYS mountain guide, co-holder of the ADK 46 women’s unsupported mark in 7 days, co-founder and owner of a sweet sounding natural and performance foods company, and all around swell sounding individual. I’m grateful for this clip intro’ing her further, and digging into what was her first formal trail race in the burly SRT 70. When you get a chance, take a look, and taste of TogaNola Foods. I haven’t tried any of their products yet, but looking forward to it.


Pine Creek Challenge Marathon, 50M, 100K, 100 Miler in Wellsboro, PA

One of the flattest and fastest ultras in the Northeast, Pine Creek is a solid option for both beginners and seasoned vets looking for a fast time and good company. I’m thankful to have two voices in this week breaking down and digging in on Pine Creek. The first, RD Steve Hanes (and furry George) of the Tyoga Running Club to take us deeper into this flat, fast gem. Of 63 finishers in the 100, Ethan Koza laid down the second fastest time in course history with a blazing 14:55, and with Jenny Hoffman second overall with a new women’s Course Record in a wicked fast 15:55. In the 100k, Tom Mack and Holli Bellusci took the men’s and women’s wins in a field of 23 finishers. In the 50 mile, of 43 in, Trevor Fye and Julie Pentico took the men’s and women’s wins. And in the marathon, of 32 finishers, David Levy and Jennifer Lefever took the respective wins.

And the second, Michael “Gagz” Gagliardi, of the Running Times with Gagz podcast, and multiple time finisher (I think) and 6th place 100 mile finisher taking us into the event, the field this year, and including tips for staying strong in those lonely night miles. For sure take some time to check out Gagz’ Running Times. A recent episode was with 3rd place Eastern States female Faith Hall, and they dig into bartending as great training, and how to wrestle bears. Good stuff.


Boulder Field 100 10M, 50K, 100K in Jim Thorpe, PA

In the 100k, of 33 finishers, Matt Corcoran took the overall win in 10:31, with top woman on the day, in the second fastest women’s time on the course, to Melinda Coen in 12:05. In the 50k, of 169 finishers, Mark Noble was first across the line in 4:39, with top women’s spot going to Colleen Moffatt in 5:09. And in the 18 miler, of 133 finishers, Vladislav Los and Laurie Stewart took home the top finishes in 2:26 and 3:02 respectively.

We’ve two finishers bringing us deeper into Boulderfield. One, 100k finisher AJ Johnson, delving into the course, event, and including the importance of aid station potatoes fried in bacon grease.

And, another, a fresh perspective on an individual new to the trail community, let alone events, an individual literally in the process of turning his life around health and fitness wise, 18 mile finisher Tyler Mummert. Tyler, great job out there, with your own fitness, establishing the Sunday hike club to providing inspiration for others to do the same, and for tossing in a most excellent tagline of “mamma didn’t raise a quitter”. Well done sir!


Smallfoot Trail Fest 5K in Mifflinburg, PA. Smallfoot is a kids-only trail race with some stream crossings and mud. Unsure on the results yet for this year but, with 157 finishers in 2019 as a baseline, good on Smallfoot for rocking the kids event.


Lake Ridge Endurance Run 6/12/24H in Dublin, VA

Lake Ridge is a timed event making use of a 4 mile loop with consistent view of Claytor Lake. This was a first year running so new course benchmarks are now set by winners Sean Stanley and Meagan Musick for the 24 hour with 84 and 60 miles covered. Tin Luu and Andrea Johnson in the 12 hr, completing 48 and 40 miles respectively. And Gemma Grove and John Syarto in the 6 hr with 28 and 16 miles covered.


Groton Forest Trail Run 6.2M, 15M, 26.5 Miler in Groton, VT

In its third year, Groton in a beautiful course. With 5,000’ of elevation gain in the marathon, the course is honest, but not over the top in technicality or elevation gain. Their hope is to increase interest in Groton Forest, and raise money for Central Vermont Runners, Cross Trails Vermont, and the Groton Ryegate FAST Squad.

Of 23 finishers in the marathon, Josh Ferenc took home the win in 4:05, with Dylan Broderick for the women in 4:26. Both were the third fastest ever times for the course. In the 15 miler Alex Gottlieb in 2:04 an Jacqueline Jancaitis in 2:38 earned the wins. And in the 10k, Tyler Conchieri and Tammy Russell I 59:13 and 1:06 respectively.



+ Ultra Trail Snowdonia in the mountainous region in Northwestern Wales for Trent Swanson and Gabe Matyiko. Digging into the COVID rigors, the UK / Euro trail running culture, massive climbing, and adventure…all packed into this 5 minute clip. Well done fellas, that looks like an awesome adventure.

Ultra Trail Hurricana 125k part of the Ultra Trail World Series in Quebec. David Hedges takes us into what sounds like a beautiful course, on breaking Canadians, the power in Gizzard Lizards, and the strength that must come from rocking one sweet mullet.

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